Here is a few posts for feed back on the article featured in Chicago Suns.
Fr. Dan Thu, 19 Nov 1998 16:45:34 PST
dude, -this guy needs to be drug into the street and kicked in the damn head. stabbing westward put on the best damn show i ever saw. This artical is obviously written by somebody who has lived a sheltered life, becouse only somebody who has never hurt can call stabbing westward "slop".
-a comment to mr. smith, how many CD's have you put out? Chris Hall has more talent in his right ass cheek than in your intire body. When you have a successful music carreer i'll eat my words and give you props where you deserve them.
Fr. Kelly Thu, 16 Jul 1998 22:38:44 EDT
Obviously this guy is a bit too OBSESSED with manson and NIN to even notice SW's talent. either that or he was expecting an arena-sized spectacle but in a theatre. and another thing, almost everyone there was singing along to every song, especially songs from WBB+P (i know, i was there). this guy probably hasn't even seen manson or NIN live, just on mtv or whatever. his attitude is "let's go see a band that isn't the most popular band in the 'industrial/metal' world and bash them because they didn't abuse themselves onstage." i hate critics.
pissed off,
Fr. BaTJaCkI Mon, 13 Jul 1998 14:22:21 EDT
I would like to share my comments on the article "Stabbing Westward less than entertaining" by ANDERS SMITH-LINDALL. First off, I find it that the when I read ANDERS SMITH-LINDALL comments on the band he made it totally bias. He compared the band to Marlin Manson, which you might admit the music sounds alike, but their personalities are completely different. Manson can be considered to have made a physco cult while Stabbing Westward just plays the music they love. They other group compared to them was Nine Inch Nails. We all know and hear about those 2 bands being compared, but personally you can't. He wasn't even comparing the bands, he was comparing the lead singers. Trent Reznor and Chris Hall have nothing really in common, but who would care!!!
As for Mr. ANDERS SMITH-LINDALL comments on them going on for 2 hours with soulless slop("For two solid hours, the Westward five churned out faceless, soulless slop.") well what does he know. Seriously! nobody gives if it was soulless slop. It was the music and band that they wanted to see. That slop to him is our treasure about them.
Also what does the journalist mean with " religious imagery" in Hall's act. All he did was rase his arms up. Does anyone tell R Kelly that he had a horrible "crucified silhouette" when he raised his arms up for that Fly song. NO. So why should they when Stabbing Westward sings a song. ("Pop psychologists would have a field day with the religious imagery in Hall's act. In the set-opening ``Drugstore,'' he thrust his arms out to cast a crucified silhouette. Later, he clasped his hands together until his knuckles were white as he sang, ``God, I hate myself'' and ``Why can't you see my need for forgiveness?")
As for the comment stating that they only inspired yawns, well maybe the guy should find out what he inspires. It ain't amusement and I found his material quit boring ( even though this is the only article I've read of his). Now he has left an ever lasting bore on his name to the people he has offended with this idiotic article.
Fr. Katie L Wed, 08 Jul 1998 22:55:17 -0400 I saw SW last night, in Ybor City (near Tampa), Florida. I thought they were amazing. They were right on key. Great opening, into a great song. Chris really shows his emotions when he sings, which is something a lot of musicians lack. You know these songs came straight from his heart, and you feel you can really relate. Also, How can you even relate SW to Marilyn Manson? They are nothing alike. They are two totally different bands that you can't even compare. As far as God Lives Underwater, I thought they did a really good job. I mean, they knew that basically everyone there came to see Stabbing Westward, but they still put on the best show they could. Very good vocals by lead singer. I'm not sure about the name, but as far as the sound goes..I hope they go far. All and all it was a great concert experience, and I plan to be at the next show that comes to town.