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Stabbing Westward

Stabbing Westward, the purpose of this whole site. What else can i say but that? I would advise getting Wither Blister Burn + Peel , what i feel is the best album. Darkest Days is also definitly worth it. If you haven't head anything by Stabbing Westward, here is your chance!


Nirvana, what can i say about this band that hasn't already been said. Kurt may be dead, but their music is timeless, and should be shared by all. I recommend all of their CD's.

Smashing Pumpkins

Smashing Pumpkins, simply an amazing diverse band. From hard rock (Gish) to pure alternative (Siamese Dream) to techno rock (MCIS) to pure techno alternative (APFH and Adore), Smashing Pumpkins has to be the most changed band of the nineties. I absoulutly love their music.

Nine Inch Nails

Nine Inch Nails, my introduction to industrial as it was meant to be. My favorite album has to be Broken, but Pretty Hate Machine marks the beggenings of Industrial rock in the music scene. trent is simply amazing.


Filter, i started listening to their music and thought it was crap, but the more i listened, the more it grew on me, and the less i could turn it off. Former NiN members, incorporate the spark of Nine Inch Nails to the emotion of their lyrics. Short Bus is the bomb.


Sloan, simply a talented an enjoyable band. Their talent is best illustrated in at the beggining of the video "People of the Sky" where all 4 members play "rock, paper, sissors" to see who will play drums. All members of Sloan sing at one point or another, and their music is catchy and just amazing, their a personal favorite of mine, and i plan on making a site devoted to them in the future. I'm rather dissappointed thought hat SoundStone does not offer any other albums other then Nany Blues. if you can, find "Twice Removed" and "Smeared" they are great.

Great Big Sea

Great Big Sea, a band out it's category with the others posted here. They are a local band here in Newfoundland, and their music is perfect for a great party, i recommend this to anyone who likes music. Their sound is a cross between Canadian Rock and Irish music, a great party band. Check it out!

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