Rage Against the Machine Reviews

Rage in Toronto, Nov. 29th

Well obviously it seriously kicked ass.� Opening act Gang Starr were entertaining but I'm not a big rap fan but they were fun to watch nonetheless.� They got everyone pumped and yelling for RATM.� The second Rage walked on the stage the electricity in the buliding went up tremendously.� Zack simply stated the band name and that they were from Los Angeles and then they ripped into Testify.� Every fucking kid in the place were moshing and jumping and yelling along to the lyrics.� They then moved into Guerrilla Radio which was one of the most energy-filled songs of the night.� Next up was People of the Sun followed by Calm Like A Bomb. Afterwards I can't remember the exact order as I was drenched in sweat from the constant jumping and moshing.� No other band comes even close to the live energy Rage possesses on stage.� Other songs in the main set were: Sleep Now In The Fire, Born Of A Broken Man, War Within A Breath, The Ghost of Tom Joad, No Shelter, Know Your Enenmy and Bullet In The Head.� The unbelievable encore was Bulls On Parade, Freedom and Killing In The Name the latter of which had everyone with middle fingers in the air chanting along to "fuck you I won't do what you tell me." The house lights went on for that part and the building seemed to be bursting at the foundation. Without a doubt the best concert Toronto has witnessed in a long time.� I would have liked to hear them play Mic Check, Vietnow, Down Rodeo, Tire Me,Darkness or New Millenium Homes but it's not Rage's fault that all of their songs kick ass.� Hell they could have played every single song in their catalougue for all I cared.� One can only wish.

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