Forum FAQs

For Old Members | Linking Us | Contact Us | Adminstrators & Moderators | Birthdays | User Agreement | Help Menu | YABBC Tags | How to Put Pics in Posts | Posting Pics in Signatures | Avatars | The Scoop on Hotlinking

Welcome to Forum FAQs. In this section you'll find general info regarding the WOG message board. You can find song lyrics, guitar tabs, contests, tour dates, trading board, show reviews and encounters, chat directory, goo info dating back to 1996, etc... on the WOG site. If you'd like to make a donation to the site...there's a paypal button at the bottom of the board.


We recently upgraded the message board. If you're an original member from the first now have to register a name to post. If you're an old member from the 2nd need to register a name again. If registration is open, you can do it yourself by clicking on the register button. If registration is closed... just email us and we'll set you up.


If you would like to link us to your the entire WOG site...not just the message board please. Any questions, please contact us.


If you have questions about the board or site that you didn't find in this section or in the help menu on the message board...or you need help with can private message Eva at the message board, post your question on the board, or you can email us here...


Eva and Mike are the Adminstrators for WOG. Eva primarily runs all aspects of the site at this time. This board belongs to WOG... we make all decisions regarding the rules and regulations, registration, banning, what we want, don't want...and our decision is final.

Right now...there are 4 Adminstrators at the message board. 2 of them (MFC and Forum Admin) are our host/site can get in touch with them here... Music Fan Clubs. Eva and nr599 are the other 2 admins.

At this time...there is no one appointed as Moderator.


If you would like to have your birthday announced on the board...please contact Mindless with your info and she'll add you to her calendar...she's our birthday lady.


The following is the user agreement for the message agreed to this if you registered a name to post. It is enforced and taken seriously. Please understand that you can potentially be banned...temporarily or permanently...from the boards for violating anything in it.

You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, abusive, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of ANY law. This is not cool and legal actions can be taken against you. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material as your own unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. All spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, fan fiction, and solicitations are also inappropriate to this forum. This applies to private messaging as well.

Any posts about the Goo Goo Dolls, their family or friends personal lives are not welcome and will be removed. This is a public internet forum...we simply want to extend our respect to them.

Note that it is impossible for us to confirm the validity of posts on this forum. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information presented. The messages express the views of the author, not necessarily the views of this YaBB forum, MFC, World of Goo, the Goo Goo Dolls or their representatives. Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify an administrator or moderator of this forum immediately. We have the right to remove objectionable content, if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, so please realize that we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. This policy goes for member profile information as well.

You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless this forum, and any related websites to it. We also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any information we have about you) in the event that legal action arises from any information posted by you.

You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. We advise that you keep the name appropriate. With this user account you are about to register, you agree to never give your password out to another member, for your protection and for validity reasons. You also agree to NEVER use another member's account to post messages or browse this forum.

After you register and log into this forum, you can fill out a detailed profile. Any information presented that's in violation of this agreement may be removed. If you put images in your signature, please take into consideration that not all computers run at warp speed... 8x10 glossys and such are inappropriate for a signature and will be removed from your profile by an administrator. It slows down the performance of the board and can just be a nuisance.

Please note that with each post, your IP address is recorded in the event that you need to be banned from this forum or your ISP contacted. If you are banned, be aware that it'll be noted in your profile underneath your name.

Abuse or disrespect towards adminstrators and moderators at this site will not be tolerated. We don't get paid to put up with that... it's not "a part of our job to put up with it" either. We strictly volunteer our time to run this site and provide assistance to you as a hobby. If you choose to be disrespectful, abusive, defamatory, etc... we may or may not respond to you. Don't expect explanations, replies... or anything for that matter... if you're going to be like that.

If there's anything in this agreement you're strongly against, please don't register a name and post here.


The help menu is located on the message board underneath the banner and it provides only basic info on features and how to's. You can get there by going to the following link as well... Help Menu. If you need more indepth instructions on features...such as below.

YABBC TAGS (codes you need to use all the fancy stuff in posts)

YABBC tags work just like standard HTML code. If you want your text to be Bold or colored...these are the codes you use to make it show up.

All of the buttons for the codes are located above the smileys and typing field on the page you compose posts on. You can find them in the help menu as well. If you click on the "B" button for instance (the code you use to post in bold), a code automatically places itself in the typing field. Just type the text you want in bold in between the brackets of the code like this...

[b]Hi, my name is Bob.[/b]

All code buttons work this way...none are any different than others.

Codes such as glow, shadow, font size, font face, and pic resizing (pic resizing doesn't have a button...) all have the ability to change the color, type and'll see where in the code. Like if it says "red" and you want "green"...delete red and put green. Adjust numbers to your liking in font size and pic resizing. For fonts...this is the's set to type in Tahoma automatically...

[font]Hi. I'm still Bob.[/font]

Just add an = sign after font and what font type you'd rather use like this...

[font=Comic Sans]Why am I Bob?[/font]

You can find the resizing code in the help menu or here...this only works with pics...

[img width=300 height=300][/img]

The flash feature usually won't work...don't know why.

Smileys you use by clicking on the places it's code automatically in the typing field where you want it.


The most common question about features on the board is posting pictures. The following is a step by step instruction on how to do this and why you encounter the problems you do while doing it. To put a pic in a post...

1. You must use a picture that's on website...most message boards don't allow pics coming directly off someone's hard drive. It's not safe.

2. Once you've found a pic...

- right click on the pic
- click on properties
- copy the "url"

3. You must use the image code in order for the pics to show up. You can find the code's button in the list under "YABBC Tags" on the page you compose posts on or in the help menu or here. These codes work like standard HTML code, only slightly different. This is the image code...


4. Paste the pic's url (link) into you post where ever you want it to be with the code like this...


Your pic should show up fine. If it doesn't and you know you've followed the directions "The Scoop on Hotlinking" below.


You can post pics in signatures with the image code too. Please keep your choice of pic at an appropriate size... 8x10 glossys and such aren't appropriate for a signature...not all computers go at warp speed. Large Pics in signatures were never meant to be...they cause problems with loading and slow down the performance of the board. If the pic you've found is too can resize it in a graphics program or use the resizing code on the board.

To post a pic in a signature...

1. You must use a picture that's on website...most message boards don't allow pics coming directly off someone's hard drive. It's not safe.

2. Once you've found a pic...

- right click on the pic
- click on properties
- copy the "url"

3. You must use the image code in order for the pics to show up. You can find the code's button in the list under "YABBC Tags" on the post composing page or in the help menu or here. These codes work like standard HTML code, only slightly different. This is the image code...


4. Paste the pic's url (link) into you post where ever you want it to be with the code like this...


Your pic should show up fine. If it doesn't and you know you've followed the directions "The Scoop on Hotlinking" below.

AVATARS (the pic that goes underneath your name in your profile/posts)

Avatar pics are listed in your profile. If you want to use your own must be a .jpg or .gif file or else it won't work. The board automatically resizes a pic in the avatar section to 75 pixels squared. You can't change this so understand that the bigger the pic is, the more obscured it's going to be. To put your own pic as an avatar...

1. You must use a picture that's on website...most message boards don't allow pics coming directly off someone's hard drive. It's not safe.

2. Once you've found a pic...

- right click on the pic
- click on properties
- copy the "url"
3. Go to your profile and scroll down to where it says "I have my own pic".
4. Click on the little box
5. Paste the pic's url (link) into the box provided.
6. Click on 'Submit'

You should see the pic on your profile page. If you don't and you know you followed the directions "The Scoop on Hotlinking" below.


Often pics won't work no matter how well you tried to post them. You may have posted a pic and all you see is a little red X box...or you see some strange message like... "You must upgrade your service", "Tripod this and that", "You're a jerk"...or you see a totally different pic than what you were trying to use. Some hosts have more interesting things like...a totally blank posted the pic, but there's absolutely nothing showing up.

The reason for that is cause posting pics on message boards is otherwise known as "hotlinking". Hotlinking means that you're directly linking another website's content to the board. It uses that website's bandwidth and resources...which can be very expensive for that website's host or owner...depending on what their resources and such are. It can really piss people off too...they just don't dig it cause it's their content...they want people to come to their site...not just see one of its images someplace else. Issues of copyright can factor often don't see where a pic is coming from if it's hotlinked...unless you're pretty net savvy. So...alot of website hosts are blocking hotlinking...and there's various ways they can do that...which I basically said them above.

Most free website hosts block hotlinking...angelfire, tripod, yahoo, geocities, freeserver, etc... Some picture album hosting sites are doing it too... webshots, village photos, image station, etc... Most really huge sites like band sites, sears, amazon, cdnow...have unlimited bandwidth so it's no sweat off their back really...or they don't give a hoot. Your best bet is to buy out a webspace or pay for a service plan...alot of hosts are cool with you if you're paying for service. Alot of internet service providers provide free web hosting to their customers too... like aol, msn, at&t, etc... so many of them work out ok too. There are many people at the board willing to host pics for others too...just ask and see what happens.

WOG will host 2 pics per if you'd like us to host a pic or Eva and not send pics without inquiring first...they'll be automatically deleted. More avatars will be added soon and you can use any of those in your signature too.