From: Kyndl
April 21, 1999
Barnhill Arena
Fayetteville, AR
GOO's TOTALLY ROCKED FAYETTEVILLE! Me and a friend got there at around 7 and we didn't have the best seats, but the concert left us totally giddy the rest of the night!! Dovetail Joint was their opening band and I only liked two of there songs. And I LOVED the way they got off stage, one by one, to each take their seperate applause! it was pretty cool! BUT definately no comparison to the Goos!!! They came on with the keyboarder playing classical music, dimly spotlighted, and then they started playing their guitars offstage, with the strobe-like lights that flash in a million different directions!! It was the coolest entrance ever!! They started off the night with was too damn perfect! Johnny was incredible as usual!! He told the story about his niece asking about the Backstreet Boys, and the one about Iris, and the letters from his first fans who bought his first albums..."Dear John,...This song sucks! but its selling out! what the hells up here?......Love, Your Fa!
ther"....It was great!! Then he even went on a rampage about the Colorado situation, and how you don't see kids in Canada mowing down their fellow students, because they can't get a hold of guns!! It was awesome! He took a drink of water and then gave his water bottle to someone in the front row, oh how I would have killed to have been that person! All their performances were great, and their keyboarder does about the awesomest Styx impression I have EVER seen!! it was hilarious!! And at the end of the concert, he unhooked his guitar, and held it out to the audience, I thought he was gonna give it away, and I was gonna hafta make a fool of myself to go get that guitar, and before we knew it, the guitar went flying...he threw it several times and finally broke it, then went off stage...with the broken guitar...not even offering it to anyone!! oh well...The Goos concert was INCREDIBLE...and i am hoping on their next tour, they decide to stop by!!!