From: Ricardo

November 11, 1999
Fort Worth, TX

The tour made a stop in Fort Worth, Texas on November 11th. A band called Moke kicked off the night. Following that a group going by the name of Fono played. These newcomers were excellent. Tonic then played getting most of the females in attendance worked into a frenzy. I guess they really liked the lead singer. He was wearing a cowboy hat and looked kind of silly. Oh well i am not a girl so the fascination was not there.

Finally what seemed to be forever the Goo Goo Dolls set was about to begin. The Daniel Meyers Coliseum was in a frenzy. Teenage screams of anticipation filled the arena. This is the third time I have seen the Goo's play, but the first time it wasn't with 17 other bands. You know what it's like to see your favorite band only play 4 or 5 songs? Is sucks. Anyway seeing them play a full set was cool. My friend from work took some cool pictures.

The set list was as follows:
Long Way Down
Lazy Eye
Full Forever
Black Balloon
(Johnny tells his infamous walk of shame speech. funny i thought. on the campus of Texas Christian University not appropriate oh well)
January Friend
Cuz You're Gone
(Johnny tells his Ricky Martin joke. very funny)
2nd Time Around
Flat Top
(Lottery Joke)
Acostic #3
( funny thing here was Johnny forgot the words! He got a real laugh out of that!)
(Johnny tells his masturbation joke)
Just The Way You Are
Burning Up
2 Days in February

All in all this was an excellent show. I was disappointed when Robbie took lead vocals the crowd would use this time to use the restroom or go get snacks and stuff. The true fans cheered even louder for him. Anyway the Goos put on a great show. Hope the come back soon.