From: Sarah

November 9, 1998
Erie Behrend College
Erie, PA

Well guys I think I finally able to type, walk and talk after an AMAZING sho w! The guys played at a place called Behrend (Penn State) at the Erie Hall. I would just like to say whoever said that place could hold a 1000 people was appa rently smoking some crack at the were sold to the students over the first 5 days..they soldout in 2...I am not a student so I was left tic ketless...This is where my GOO Will came in..I sat by the radio for 36 hrs..slee ping on the floor with a cell phone and a normal phone line..trying to win ticke ts..Finally at 7 pm on sunday night I won them for the love of god, I have been sick for a really long time and my mom was so happy to see that smile on my face ..she said she would have paid a thousand dollars to see it again..Needless to s ay i was pumped..

So i made my big sign..tthat said "Goo's Wanna Get Married Or R unaway", but i never ended up taking it with me because i knew that it would loo k totally ridicuulous..although i wish i would have..The gates were opening at 7 :00 and we didnt get there until 10 after cuz it was further out of the way than we thought, but if I had it my way i would have been there at 3 in the afternoo n waiting to be upfront..While i was standing in line to get in kids were sellin g mixed Candy for a dollar i bought it and then my friend was like "sarah dont e at it" so after realizing it was drug infested candy we made our way in..i had m y camera down my shirt but no one would have noticed, evenif i was carrying it. I was not too far from the stage but far enough to be "far". The kid in front o f me and his GF were 6'2 and 6'4 and im like

So while standing behin d the leaning tower of pisa Athaneum came on...I really liked them and enjoyed t hem...The bass player was extremely stoned though..but what can ya say? They pl ayed a few me really wound up cuz i have their cd...and they did a be atles cover too...Then about 30 minutes later it seemed like forever Goos came o ut...I thoght i was going to passout...They looked amazing so for all you people wanting to know what they looked like this is what i remember...Nathan had on a black kind of cowboy shirt...and Robby this blue shortsleve argyleish button do wn..and then Johhny the man..had on a green beater..all tatoos shining brightly. ..and black leather pants...

They started off with Dizzy..which went directly int o Long Way Down..then Johnny said Hi and started talking to us about school afte r he u know said they were from Buffalo..hes like "I swear this conversation goe s on in every dorm,,,your smoking from the bong* he starts making all this noise* and then u say "What if the world is just like a fucking tear drop man?" and everyone laughed and he talks about how much you always hate your roomate.. .and then he was saying how school fucking sucked..because it should be a right not a privelage..and this went on for about 7 minutes cuz like he said he kept g etting off was a whole standup was funny...he said they da ngle things like the loans in front of you like a piece of meat..or a fucking st eak...He used the word fuck a million times and then at one point he said frigen because he wanted to "start to clean his language up"//it was really cute....

He stopped and yelled at a few people and was like "I got the fucking mike u can s cream all u want when im done ill give it to you" then my pissed offness abo utt all the people that shoved their way in front of me wore off ..and i was scr eaming and jumping up and one point he was talking about something and was like "who cares fuck you" and some obnoxious girl yelled out "fuck me" and h es like "allright come on up here...I maean come one people what do all u girls think im gonna say to that? Its like guys they dont care who they fuck or if the y like the person they just fuck them to fuck them"..He told the "Name story" te lling us at the begining "Fuck its that song *plays the chords* and when he talk ed about the letter he read...Dear Fagget and then said "Man i fathe r really has to stop writing me letter" Everyone laughed ..then he repeated Dear faggot...and said "thats my favorite part...."...Enough about all the talk..I w as stupid and I forgot my pen and paper but i know they played these songs..for sure...


It was great! They sounded perfect the whole time! ...Robby and Johnny I dont th ink they ever stopped smiling...Johnny kept running across the stage smiling...a nd picking up the thongs..going "Im a little bigger than this"..LOL...I was trem endously annoyed with the 3 girls in front of me that shoved their way in becaus e they knew not one song besides Slide and Iris... I cried for Slide, Name, and Iris...i was just so overwhelmed and happy to be there...I got Johnny's Guitar P ic and flipped out :)...I took about 7 pictures through the show and i doubt the y will turnout but I tried..I didnt have a chance to meet the band but being the re was like Heaven on Earth..Thank you for reading...