Why does it play the clips from the last game?
If you play the game and find that the game is loading old music clips from previous games, the problem is usually the result of your browser calling up the old clip from your disk cache instead of downloading the new clip from our site. To alleviate this problem, clear the disk cache on your browser, exit the browser program, restart the program, and reload the page. If you can not clear your cache or do not understand how, you can also hold down on your SHIFT key when you load the sound clip. For more information on how to clear your browser's disk cache, check your browser's help file.
How is the game organized?
Each game consists of seven rounds, and each round consists of 5 sets of sound clips and clues. For each of the 5 songs, there is a text clue and sound samples in lengths of 1, 3, 5, and 7 seconds. Points are awarded based upon which sample you have to listen to to identify the song.
A new game begins every Monday and there is a new round for each day of the week. We do not recommend that you play near update times, the game could be updated right out from under you. (Updates occur at midnight Central Time. That's GMT -5:00 April-October, GMT -6:00 the rest of the year.) If you are playing close to an update time, you'll be warned.