Ten Frightening Facts about Robert Smith

Details Magazine
An excerpt of the full article

  1. The eve before his 33rd birthday, Robert began crying while brushing his teeth and earlier that night had a bad case of the hiccups.
  2. When friends visit his home he plays Paula Abdul and Cathy Dennis and he also likes Pavarotti.
  3. His mum knitted him 10 pairs of socks for him to take on tour (the Wish one).
  4. When he eats too much and porks out, the press calls him 'Fat Bob'. It hurts his feelings and he's now on diet.
  5. His hairdo is achieved by a quick 5 minute application of L'Oreal Studio Line Gel and Alberto VO5 Gel.
  6. He sticks his fingers in his mouth while talking, which makes him look silly and stupid.
  7. His idea for 'The Lovecats' came after Smith saw the Disney film, 'The Aristocats'; he's a huge Jimi Hendrix fan.
  8. He is now embarrassed that he allowed his video maker Tim Pope to use a giant pair of sideways turned lips to illustrate the word 'can't' for the 1987 video for the song 'Why Can't I Be You?'.
  9. His two unrealised desires are to fly to the moon and to have an identical twin to whom he could share a single woman.
  10. He likes gregorian chants and listens to them constantly.

Last Revised: Monday, 15-May-2006 14:59:58 CDT

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