Title: Attn Glittering Goo Post by DizziedUpUpUp on Aug 6th, 2007, 9:00pm Heather, are you out there? this is Debby... �I haven't gotten to speak with you in forever. �I was at the Mount Laurel show and I wondered if you were there.. but after seeing your pics here I did see you there.. but I just didn't realize it was you.. I thought it was.. but didn't want to look like a complete idiot if it weren't you.. You had on a bright USA HARVEST shirt on. I don't know if you'll remember this but before the show you were standing by this truck with a few other people and I came over and asked if the big long line forming was for all ticket holders... and you said yes,, that the will call was further down and this was the line if you already had tickets... Then I saw you up in front of the stage after the show trying to get something from a roadie.. I just knew it was you.. I wish I said hi.. I have some great pics of the show.. I had awesome tickets.. 11th row center and I even got to go up in front of the stage at the end.... I'd love to share photos.. I don't use my AOL instant msger any more.... you can email me - my email address hasn't change... Talk to you soon Heather... Deb |
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