Title: Goo Goo Dolls still touring behind "Let Love Post by Shannon on Jul 28th, 2007, 9:49am Goo Goo Dolls still touring behind "Let Love In' album By ED CONDRAN phillyBurbs.com If Robbie Takac had his druthers, the Goo Goo Dolls' bassist would be working on the band's 10th album. However, the group is still touring behind �Let Love In,� which was released 15 months ago. The trio, who will perform tonight at the Borgata Music Box in Atlantic City, is still out on the road since it doesn't sell as many units as it did during its mid- to late-'90s heyday. So more dates are required to boost revenue. �Record sales are down across the board in this industry,� Takac says while calling from his Los Angeles home. �You adjust to it and tour more. We're glorified carnies. We're on the road for a year and a half doing what we have to do. It's fine since we're still together and we love playing. We're not selling as much but we still get by.� �Let Love In,� which includes the hit single �Better Days,� has gone gold but that pales compared to the 1995 breakthrough release �A Boy Named Goo,� which went double platinum, and 1998's �Dizzy Up the Girl,� which hit triple platinum. The Goos continue to shower their fans in hits from their successful releases. �Name,� �Iris� and �Slide� are just some of the smash recordings from that period that are staples in the band's set. �People still love turning out to hear those songs,� Takac says. �It's a thrill to get that kind of response to those songs.� The band, which was born in Buffalo in 1986, wrote their '90s hits in its hardscrabble hometown. After their mega-success, the group, which includes vocalist-guitarist Johnny Rzeznik and drummer Mike Malinin, moved to Los Angeles. �We really enjoy L.A., but there was something missing for us,� Takac says. The group found that its gritty hometown was more inspiring than the City of Angels. Takac and Rzeznik recently bought the space where they recorded their first three albums during the late '80s. �We're updating it, and we're going to record there in October,� Takac says. �We wrote and recorded the demos in Buffalo for "Let Love In.' When we left for Los Angeles to record the album, we found that we were chasing the vibe we had in Buffalo. We asked ourselves, "Why are we doing this?' So we're going to do it all, the writing and recording, in Buffalo. It's good to go back to where you're from. We'll spend a lot of time there, but that's nothing compared to the time we spend on the road.� http://www.phillyburbs.com/pb-dyn/news/81-07272007-1384254.html |
Title: Re: Goo Goo Dolls still touring behind "Let L Post by DWG on Jul 28th, 2007, 12:49pm "Hardscrabble" and "gritty". Buffalo gets no respect, dammit. |
Title: Re: Goo Goo Dolls still touring behind "Let L Post by ChickenCookie on Jul 29th, 2007, 5:53pm on 07/28/07 at 12:49:42, DWG wrote:
Oh I dunno ... I think hardscrabble and gritty are pretty accurate, actually. :-/ |
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