Title: Story behind the "Red O" Post by Kevster89 on Dec 12th, 2006, 3:13pm Hey guys- I'm sure this has probably been posted before so sorry in advance for any repeat post! What exactly is the story behind the "Red O" in the second Goo on the let love in album and all other "let love in" related apparel (tour tees, hats, etc.)? Or is it just random? Thanks goo Lovers! -Kev |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the purple o on Dec 12th, 2006, 5:05pm I would ask Nicole, she knows everything. (If she doesn't know, I'm sure she will make it up) |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by Shannon on Dec 12th, 2006, 5:14pm We talked about this at length when the CD first came out and nobody had a real concrete answer. I did dig up the old thread so you could read through the discussion. There were some very good suggestions if I remember right. http://www.musicfanclubs.org/cgi-bin/ggd/YaBB.cgi?board=maingooboard;action=display;num=1154146619 |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 12th, 2006, 5:53pm on 12/12/06 at 17:05:15, the purple o wrote:
I was just about to say "hey, I don't make stuff up!", then I read the thread Shannon posted. I still stand by that theory... |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the white o on Dec 12th, 2006, 7:15pm I want to meet their Graphic Designer. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by carlyn on Dec 12th, 2006, 7:54pm I think it's just supposed to be fashionable or something. It creates balance without it all being one boring color. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the green o on Dec 12th, 2006, 10:21pm It also causes crazy people to change their perfectly good screen names to variously-colored O's. �:dunno: yes, answer that and stay fashionable. hmm... |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 12th, 2006, 11:33pm The red o, originally nmf016, was born on a cold and snowy December night... Oh, so no one wants the story behind this red o? Okay... |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 12th, 2006, 11:40pm She went home, laid around until she could walk, did stuff, and eventually discovered the internet. It was all downhill from there. nmf016 changed her name to the red o, joined a cult, and started posting ridiculous paint artwork. Friends and family have attempted numerous interventions. The end. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 13th, 2006, 12:05am Here's some brain for you. Just print it out and eat it. http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q136/Shade88135/soul.jpg |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 13th, 2006, 10:27am on 12/13/06 at 00:07:35, the blue o wrote:
Apparently you don't watch Heroes. You need to eat the brains to get their powers. No one said they would taste good... |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the purple o on Dec 13th, 2006, 3:51pm eww Brains. What superpowers does it give you? I would need to weigh the pros and cons. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 13th, 2006, 4:02pm Depends whose brain you eat. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by Elestren on Dec 13th, 2006, 8:27pm on 12/13/06 at 16:02:56, the red o wrote:
Y'know, if I hadn't read the rest of the thread... |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 13th, 2006, 9:01pm Yeah... we have a history of taking threads waaaay off topic. The harder I try not to, the quicker it happens. Any other theories on the red o? Could someone perhaps call John or Robby and get an answer? |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by Elestren on Dec 13th, 2006, 9:02pm QUICK!! TO ROBBY'S LOBBY! |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the purple o on Dec 13th, 2006, 9:03pm Sure I have Johns cell phone number right here. I should have done that sooner. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 13th, 2006, 9:04pm I can't. I'm afraid Robby will stalk my myspace like he fessed up to. I wonder if it would get answered on the IM Q&A? I wish I was "the red o" over there, because asking it would make it funnier that way. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 13th, 2006, 9:06pm on 12/13/06 at 21:03:07, the purple o wrote:
I laughed. My favorite lie ever told on this site was the one with the guy who claimed he hung out with the band in the studio and had John's phone number. But I totally believe you... :D |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 13th, 2006, 9:12pm Mike's neice? The strange thing is - I could almost believe that one. �That person didn't stick around long enough for me to figure it out, so I don't know... And somehow we're off topic again. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the purple o on Dec 13th, 2006, 9:20pm I had a dream last week that I sat next to John on an airplane. That was really off topic but I think it has some connection maybe? |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by anonymousgoofan on Dec 14th, 2006, 3:55pm ok you guys... I have no idea if this has anything to do with the real story behind the red O..... but while I was in Los Angeles over the summer, I was down in Santa Monica at the Promenade... long story short, there's this deli out there called "the Broadway Deli" ... and inside there are random "o"s hanging around (I don' t know why.... maybe thats because I'm a blonde... who knows) but some of the O's are black and some of them are red. I don't have my trip pictures developed yet, but when I finally get around to it, I'll see if I can find a pic of that ( I should have one... the first week I was there I took pictures of litterally everything... including rest area bathrooms on the way there.... so yeah.....) (i found the name off yahoo images.... fabulous tool i must say... but here's the only pic i could find right now....) http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=The+Broadway+Deli+-+Santa+Monica+Promenade&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&x=wrt again, I doubt that has anything to do with the actual story.... but its kind of interesting.... not quite as interesting as the new story..... but I figured I'd throw my two cents in since there seems to be a lack of purpose for some of the random things I know....... |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the purple o on Dec 14th, 2006, 4:00pm on 12/13/06 at 21:06:35, the red o wrote:
There is a guy on absolute goo who is calling himself Bono. http://www.absolutegoo.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=11163 Here is my theory on the whole red o thing. They had the simple white letters, but someone decided to had a dash of color. Someone picked a random color that happened to be red. I don't think there is any significance. The End |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by anonymousgoofan on Dec 14th, 2006, 4:02pm well when you get into that theory then you must question why they chose red.... pure instint??? or the general knowledge that red, black, and white all look good together. let us not forget the gutterflower merchandise was done mostly in red, black, and white..... possible allusion??? |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by anonymousgoofan on Dec 14th, 2006, 4:11pm wait! i've got it! "the answer that could never be found... the moment you decided to let love in"....... Love. what color/symbol typically represents love? A red heart. could it be? |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the purple o on Dec 14th, 2006, 4:17pm This is why I suck at English. I live in a world where I think everything is random. I'm not very analytical. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by anonymousgoofan on Dec 14th, 2006, 5:55pm if everything is random and nothing can be analyzed then where is the fun in doing something that actually is completely random? ? ? ? ? -i think too much..... especially lately... ive become quite lame and boring..... but seriously. it cannot be true that all things in life are random because there are connections between tons of things... and technically each thought a person has is derived from a certain situation and emotion stimulating that thought. something like that. either way. if you think of it that way. and something really really really random happens, its way way way more fun. my reccomendation: go build a potato gun, then shoot cottage cheese out of it. there is absolutely no logic or sense behind it. except that in a few days whatever got hit with cottage cheese is gonna smell REALLY REALLY bad if you don't hose it down. OR you should just up and drive accross country with no notice to see a concert sometime. thats really really fun. really irresponsible...but probably the most fun irresponsible decision you will ever make. - randomness is only random when it is really really random. thats what makes random cool and fun :) - if random is everything everyday then it becomes typical.... which technically is not random. *trying to decide whether or not to go to christmas party and rambling on and on about things that make no sense at all...... sorry youz guyz..... * but random ramblings are random. PLUS: I thought we were trying to figure out the logic behind the O |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 14th, 2006, 10:40pm All jokes aside, I really don't think there's any significance or story of the red o. I doubt the Goos have really even noticed it. Some art person came in, made a cover, the Goos approved it, it was printed. They might have decided on a black, white, and red theme because it can be masculine and still appeal to females. So my real theory? Some art guy did it. Do we need a thread discussing the art guy and why the red o is significant? I'll make it... |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the green o on Dec 15th, 2006, 1:17am Or we could discuss why on two of the Goo's album covers there are women, and in each case the chick is positioned horizontally. Art? or something subliminal? Hmm? |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by anonymousgoofan on Dec 15th, 2006, 4:31pm on 12/14/06 at 22:40:46, the red o wrote:
oh where's the magic |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the purple o on Dec 15th, 2006, 5:05pm on 12/15/06 at 16:45:59, the blue o wrote:
Yeah that is a little risque |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by Elestren on Dec 16th, 2006, 4:34pm Hahaha. I actually have the booklet inside my copy of ABNG flipped...I'd rather have cat-butt on the front than a nekked child...(Who, by the way, I'm pretty sure...is a boy...if you know what I mean...) Any body know who that child is? |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the red o on Dec 16th, 2006, 11:47pm on 12/15/06 at 16:31:14, anonymousgoofan wrote:
No magic. Engineer. Logical. No magic. I know. I'm a kill-joy. But if you like magic I still stand by my dyslexic artist story in the other thread. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the purple o on Dec 17th, 2006, 8:13am obviously |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by Elestren on Dec 17th, 2006, 9:15am Well, yes. But I'm sure no body would actually name their child "Goo" Well... At least not before Dizzy Up the Girl... |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by carlyn on Dec 17th, 2006, 12:22pm Do you really think the boy is actually named Goo? That's just what the album is called, it doesn't mean the boy hired to model for the cover of the album is named that. In the inside of the book for A Boy Named Goo, it says: Cover Photo: Vance Gellert / Swanstock. I'm pretty sure that means that his name is Vance Gellert and is from a place called Swanstock, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I think the cover of A Boy Named Goo is probably my favorite album cover ever. I think that boy is soooo cute. The center of attention, I think, is his big, beautiful eyes, not the fact that he is naked. I think you all are overanalizing the siginificance of the red o. I have always studied art, and I know it's definitely justa cool-looking graphic design technique. Adding a bright color, such as red, into a neutral color scheme is one of the many ways to make a picture stand out. The one red "o" is just suposed to balance out the red letters in the words "Let Love In." Anyway, if the color red was supposed to signify something, then why would they change the color to blue for the Let Love In Tour Edition DVD? And I'm sure the Goos aren't trying to create any subliminal messages just by putting horizontal girls on the cover of two of their albums! If they really wanted to create horizontal subliminal messages, then the "Gutterflower Girl" would also be horizontal, but she's not. The girl on the cover of "Dizzy Up The Girl" is horizontal because it signifies that she's resting after a night of fun. The girl on the cover of "Let Love In" is probably jsut horizontlaly because it looks cool artistically. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by Elestren on Dec 17th, 2006, 12:55pm I betcha they just did it to make us ask questions. My parents always say that. "Momma, why is the sky blue?" "To make you ask questions." So, "Johnny, Robby, Mike, why is there one red O on the Let Love In cover?" "To make you ask questions." |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the white o on Dec 17th, 2006, 12:56pm on 12/17/06 at 12:45:15, the blue o wrote:
Of course...;D |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the white o on Dec 17th, 2006, 12:56pm on 12/17/06 at 12:45:15, the blue o wrote:
Of course...;D |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the green o on Dec 17th, 2006, 1:31pm on 12/17/06 at 12:22:56, carlyn wrote:
The story behind the boy named Goo kid: {The Goo Goo Dolls and American retailer Wal-Mart are bashing it out over the cover for the band's A Boy Named Goo album. Apparently, the chain store thinks the cover depicts child abuse, when in fact it's a picture of a boy smeared with blackberry juice (hence the cover). The photo came from Carlvision, a book of photographs of Carl Gellert taken by his father, photographer Vance Gellert. (SOURCE: Jam) } As far as the over-analysis, I think most of us were just goofing around, "making" a story out of the significance of the "o", hence our paying homage to the almighty "o" by changing our names, etcetera. Just being silly, and pondering the "o"-ness of it all. ::) |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by Elestren on Dec 17th, 2006, 2:02pm Can I be the Cerulean O? |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the purple o on Dec 17th, 2006, 2:08pm I still think his name is Goo. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by Elestren on Dec 17th, 2006, 2:13pm See, now I have to figure out how to make a little icon. Stupid Windows paint. *grr* I'm changing my screen name, though... |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the purple o on Dec 17th, 2006, 2:41pm on 12/17/06 at 14:11:24, the blue o wrote:
The name of the CD, A Boy Named Goo, that is enough evidence for me. What other boy would they be referring too? Maybe this boy was an outcast because his name was Goo and the GGDs took him in and baptized him with jelly. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by the green o on Dec 17th, 2006, 2:49pm Poor Carl, now he's been "baptized with jelly". That is one bizarre concept. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by The Cerulean O on Dec 17th, 2006, 2:55pm "Johnny, Robby, Mike, did you take in a small child who was an outcast because his parents named him Goo? And then did you batize him in jelly? And then did you photograph him for your cover of A Boy Named Goo, which consisted of a bunch of cool songs filled with life lessons written in tribute to him?" "..." |
Title: Re: History behind the "Red O" Post by the purple o on Dec 17th, 2006, 3:02pm on 12/17/06 at 14:54:34, the blue o wrote:
yes of course! |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by The Cerulean O on Dec 17th, 2006, 3:07pm That sounds logical. We'll go with that one. |
Title: Re: Story behind el "O Rojo" Post by the purple o on Dec 17th, 2006, 4:26pm on 12/17/06 at 16:15:03, the blue o wrote:
If I was a member of Inner Machine I would totally do that. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by The Cerulean O on Dec 17th, 2006, 4:37pm I'm not on the Inner Machine yet.. Gimme until the year flips, that's when I'm joining. |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by carlyn on Dec 17th, 2006, 6:54pm on 12/17/06 at 13:31:23, the green o wrote:
Thanks for posting that story! Maybe I'll get that book. |
Title: Re: Story behind "your mom" Post by the purple o on Dec 17th, 2006, 9:47pm on 12/17/06 at 21:44:07, the blue o wrote:
With Jelly? ;D |
Title: Re: Story behind the "Red O" Post by The Cerulean O on Dec 18th, 2006, 1:24pm That made me smile. So very big. ;D |
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