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(Message started by: The Purple O on Dec 7th, 2006, 6:44pm)

Title: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by The Purple O on Dec 7th, 2006, 6:44pm
Call it ambitous, audacious, even arrogant�but with your help, Performing Songwriter aims to name the 99 greatest songs ever! We invite you to share your choices with us as we attempt to compile a definitive list to run in our 99th issue, on sale in January.
Perhaps you agree with Elton John that sad songs say so much. Or with Paul McCartney, who�d rather fill the world with silly love songs. Whatever your preference, start looking through your record collection and your iPod playlists, pick your brains and send us your picks. Vote for as many songs as you like, as many times as you like. Don�t forget to tell us why they�re your favorites in the comments box below. But remember voting ends at noon on December 15.

�The Editors at Performing Songwriter

I voted for Iris, not because it is my favorite GGD song, but because it is most well known.

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by carlyn on Dec 7th, 2006, 7:15pm
We'll probably have the best shot if we all just voted for Iris.

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by the white o on Dec 7th, 2006, 9:13pm
We have to write a big long paragraph explaining why we like it.


Anyways, Iris would be a really valid choice in this because when it did hit the airwaves, it exploded!! was the first Goo Goo Dolls song I've ever heard and its the song that made me fall in love with them in the beginning.

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by Elestren on Dec 9th, 2006, 6:38pm
So what's going on with this?
I think Iris is a good idea. It is not my favorite song, but no body else is gonna vote for Stop the World on this list. So, should we all write a reason, and all just copy paste? Any body know how many times a single person can vote?

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by the purple o on Dec 9th, 2006, 6:51pm
You can vote as much as you want.

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by Elestren on Dec 10th, 2006, 8:03am
Okay, cool.
So, are we writing something up, or what?
We should say something about the music itself, something about what it means to Johnny, Robby, and Mike, and something about what it means to us and other fans.
That's my opinion.

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by the purple o on Dec 10th, 2006, 8:24am
Write whatever you want. ;D I don't think what you write is all the important.

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by Elestren on Dec 11th, 2006, 3:45pm
Here, I wrote this up.
It was a little longer, but it had too many words, so I had to cut it down.
Could someone read through it and tell me if all my info is correct?

"Why do I love Iris? I suppose, first of all, I should say why I love the music. Well, that sounded easy, but it really isn�t. It�s like asking why I love the color blue. I just do, I think it�s beautiful.
The lyrics mean something to me, personally. It describes how I feel about every man I�ve ever loved(I call it love for want of a better word). I�ve never been in an actual relationship, just admired from afar.
Iris means something different to many people, I think. I cannot describe how they feel about it, because I am not them. I know several people personally who�s lives it has changed, and I know there are dozens more.
On person in particular who�s life it has changed is Johnny Rzeznik, the man who wrote it. He was going through a very difficult time in his life when he wrote it. I don�t want to delve too far into his personal life, but I do know he was very depressed. He was wondering if this was what he was meant to do with his life, be a songwriter. He was going through writer�s block, and hadn�t written more than one song in a year(or so I�ve heard). Then, he was asked to write Iris, for City of Angels. He wrote it in about an hour, and he and his band had major success with it.
That is why I believe Iris should be on this list, if not at #1."

(I wish I could have said something about how it makes me feel when I think about what it must mean to Johnny, but that is exactly 250 words long, so I couldn't say anymore)

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by the purple o on Dec 11th, 2006, 4:54pm
Wow thats impressive! I didn't put nearly that much thought into my response.

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by Elestren on Dec 11th, 2006, 7:08pm
Is all the info about Johnny correct? I never trust any info properly unless I see him saying it in a video or on TV or something...

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by the white o on Dec 11th, 2006, 8:19pm

on 12/11/06 at 15:45:24, Elestren wrote:
Here, I wrote this up.
It was a little longer, but it had too many words, so I had to cut it down.
Could someone read through it and tell me if all my info is correct?

"Why do I love Iris? I suppose, first of all, I should say why I love the music. Well, that sounded easy, but it really isn�t. It�s like asking why I love the color blue. I just do, I think it�s beautiful.
The lyrics mean something to me, personally. It describes how I feel about every man I�ve ever loved(I call it love for want of a better word). I�ve never been in an actual relationship, just admired from afar.
Iris means something different to many people, I think. I cannot describe how they feel about it, because I am not them. I know several people personally who�s lives it has changed, and I know there are dozens more.
On person in particular who�s life it has changed is Johnny Rzeznik, the man who wrote it. He was going through a very difficult time in his life when he wrote it. I don�t want to delve too far into his personal life, but I do know he was very depressed. He was wondering if this was what he was meant to do with his life, be a songwriter. He was going through writer�s block, and hadn�t written more than one song in a year(or so I�ve heard). Then, he was asked to write Iris, for City of Angels. He wrote it in about an hour, and he and his band had major success with it.
That is why I believe Iris should be on this list, if not at #1."

(I wish I could have said something about how it makes me feel when I think about what it must mean to Johnny, but that is exactly 250 words long, so I couldn't say anymore)

Wow....that's amazing....You are really good with you words...

I voted for Iris...I can't say that my explanation is as greatly detailed as yours though...;)

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by Elestren on Dec 12th, 2006, 2:23pm
So all the info is right?
[/end final time she will ask this question before assuming the answer is yes]

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by the purple o on Dec 12th, 2006, 5:06pm
I believe so.

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by the white o on Dec 12th, 2006, 7:39pm

on 12/12/06 at 14:23:08, Elestren wrote:
So all the info is right?
[/end final time she will ask this question before assuming the answer is yes]

Yeah, it all sounds right to me.. :)

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by Elestren on Dec 13th, 2006, 9:41am
Okay, good.
(feel free to copy/paste and edit as needed, if you like)

Title: Re: Vote for the 99 greatest songs of all time
Post by sympathy_0 on Dec 13th, 2006, 3:49pm
WQELL ill vote for iris too. but i am obligated to vote for a stevie song as well haha

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