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Goo Goo Dolls >> Goo Goo Dolls >> Auguri Di buon compleanno
(Message started by: gelsomina on Dec 5th, 2006, 3:02pm)

Title: Auguri Di buon compleanno
Post by gelsomina on Dec 5th, 2006, 3:02pm
Vorrei sapere quando ti potr� ammirare in italia  ;)
Perche sono quasi 10 anni che ascolto la tua musica.
e quindi vorrei vedere un tuo concerto dal vivo.
Magari a Roma

Tantisssimi Auguri

I would want to know when I will be able to admire to you in Italy;) Perche is nearly 10 years that I listen to your music. and therefore I would want to see a your concert from the alive one. Even to Rome
Gelsomina  :-*

Title: Re: Auguri Di buon compleanno
Post by the green o on Dec 6th, 2006, 12:57am
Italian is a beautiful language.
I remember reading about the Goo Goo Dolls being in Italy, but I can't remember how long ago. I tried to look it up, but could not find the information. I did find an article that mentions they did well in Italy:

I hope you get your wish, and that they come to Italy some day soon.  

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