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Goo Goo Dolls >> Goo Goo Dolls >> GGD on TV....many opportunities!
(Message started by: Shannon on Nov 28th, 2006, 6:45pm)

Title: GGD on TV....many opportunities!
Post by Shannon on Nov 28th, 2006, 6:45pm
This is from the IM.....

11.28.06: TV Shows

Keep an eye out for the following Goo TV appearances:

ABC News Now, tapes 11/30 - air date TBC...
CBS Early Show, tapes 12/2 airs 12/9...
Sound Off w/ Matt Pinfield, tapes 12/2 - air date TBC...
Tonight Show with Jay Leno, tapes and airs 12/14...
Carson Daly, tapes 12/14 - airs 12/22...
Megan Mullally, tapes 12/15 - airs 1/9/07.

Here's the link to the schedule for Matt Pinfield's show on HDNet.

Title: Re: GGD on TV....many opportunities!
Post by The Purple O on Nov 28th, 2006, 6:53pm
Thanks for the info!

Title: Re: GGD on TV....many opportunities!
Post by the red o on Nov 28th, 2006, 7:24pm

I really really want the Sound Off thingy because Matt Pinfield is awesome.  But his show apparently only shows on an HD channel... Anyone have it?

Title: Re: GGD on TV....many opportunities!
Post by Shannon on Nov 28th, 2006, 10:30pm
I have several HD channels. Which one is it on? I've never heard of him.

Title: Re: GGD on TV....many opportunities!
Post by the white o on Nov 29th, 2006, 6:21am

on 11/28/06 at 18:45:37, Shannon wrote:
This is from the IM.....

11.28.06: TV Shows

Keep an eye out for the following Goo TV appearances:

ABC News Now, tapes 11/30 - air date TBC...
CBS Early Show, tapes 12/2 airs 12/9...
Sound Off w/ Matt Pinfield, tapes 12/2 - air date TBC...
Tonight Show with Jay Leno, tapes and airs 12/14...
Carson Daly, tapes 12/14 - airs 12/22...
Megan Mullally, tapes 12/15 - airs 1/9/07.

I'd better get my DVD recorder ready then!

Thank you :D

Title: Re: GGD on TV....many opportunities!
Post by the red o on Nov 29th, 2006, 12:13pm

on 11/28/06 at 22:30:06, Shannon wrote:
I have several HD channels. Which one is it on? I've never heard of him.

It's apparently on HDNet, which appears to be a standard HD channel.  I don't have HD so I'm not really up on the channels available.

You don't know who Matt Pinfield is?  He's the heavier bald guy who used to be on MTV back when MTV used to hire VJs who actually knew about music.  He hosted 120 Minutes for a long time.  Now he has some big job at a record company and still hosts some shows.  I don't really know the format of this show "Sound Off" but if Matt Pinfield is the interviewer it's bound to be an interesting interview.  

Title: Re: GGD on TV....many opportunities!
Post by Shannon on Nov 29th, 2006, 2:27pm
I do get HDNET. Maybe once I see his face I'll remember him but his name is not ringing any bells. I'll tape the interview and try to do a transcript or something. I don't have a DVD burner.

Title: Re: GGD on TV....many opportunities!
Post by rzezniksangel on Dec 1st, 2006, 9:41pm
Matt Pinfield was also hosting VH1's Top 20 countdown for a while.  I loved seeing him back on TV...and was so disappointed when he wasn't on there anymore.

I need to figure out how to program my vcr again...I have a feeling these Goo appearances are going to have to tide me over for a while until they make their way back down south....

Title: Re: GGD on TV....many opportunities!
Post by Shannon on Dec 3rd, 2006, 10:31am
I added the link to the HDNet schedule in my original post at the top.

Title: Re: GGD on TV....many opportunities!
Post by The Purple O on Dec 9th, 2006, 7:09am
Don't forget! GGDs on the Early Show today!

Title: Re: GGD on TV....many opportunities!http://abcnews
Post by the purple o on Dec 11th, 2006, 8:35pm
ABC News Now, tapes 11/30 - air date TBC...

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