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(Message started by: Kevster89 on Nov 19th, 2006, 10:57pm)

Title: Do you know what he's saying?
Post by Kevster89 on Nov 19th, 2006, 10:57pm
Man it feels like I haven't posted in forever.  It feels good to be back!

So I was listening to L.I.B. and was listening to Name when I noticed something...

... go to about 4:45 in the song and a few seconds later you can barely make out a fan say "____ you suck".

He says something/someone right before you suck, obviously directing it to someone, but I couldn't make out who he was referring to.

See if you can makeout exactly who he is saying.  I have probably played this little tiny part over about 50 times but could never tell (yea, no life over here haha).

I dunno... give it a shot and see if you can notice who he says that to.

-Thanks goo Buddies!

Title: Re: Do you know what he's saying?
Post by Skkyer on Nov 20th, 2006, 10:39am
I think I remember some talk about this when LIB first came out.  I don't remember what the majority felt it was that was actually said.  Sorry, it just wasn't something that stuck in the brain cells.  :-/


Title: Re: Do you know what he's saying?
Post by tkc1989 on Nov 20th, 2006, 12:06pm
I'm pretty sure it's 'Rzeznik, you suck!'

Title: Re: Do you know what he's saying?
Post by carlyn on Nov 20th, 2006, 9:04pm
I always wondered that, too. ???

Title: Re: Do you know what he's saying?
Post by Johns_chick on Nov 20th, 2006, 10:37pm
I wondered that too it sorta sounds like Boo man you suck or something like that! It's like then why are you there?

Title: Re: Do you know what he's saying?
Post by Shannon on Nov 20th, 2006, 10:47pm

on 11/20/06 at 22:37:45, Johns_chick wrote:
I wondered that too it sorta sounds like Boo man you suck or something like that! It's like then why are you there?

That's what I was thinking too. I was going to try to listen but I forgot I loaned my copy to a friend. :-/

Title: Re: Do you know what he's saying?
Post by Hysteria on Nov 22nd, 2006, 6:16am
What a sad little life that guy must have if he goes to a concert and insults one ofte main members of the band performing. sheesh.  ::)

Title: Re: Do you know what he's saying?
Post by carlyn on Nov 22nd, 2006, 12:27pm

on 11/20/06 at 22:37:45, Johns_chick wrote:
I wondered that too it sorta sounds like Boo man you suck or something like that! It's like then why are you there?

That's what I think it is.

Title: Re: Do you know what he's saying?
Post by sympathy_0 on Nov 22nd, 2006, 6:31pm

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