Title: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder + Pix Post by Pryde on Oct 12th, 2006, 10:01am Hi Y'all! I got an email reminder about this show today from Star94 this morning. �Tickets go on sale to the public on Saturday, October 14. However, you may want to join the Star94 "Star Club" listeners club ASAP. �;) www.star94.com � |
Title: Re: ATL Jingle Jam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder KT Post by AnGeLsFaLL on Oct 12th, 2006, 10:04am Oh geez! The FRAY? and GGD's?! I'm so there!!!! Thanks Pryde |
Title: Re: ATL Jingle Jam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder KT Post by Shannon on Oct 12th, 2006, 10:18am I LOVE the Fray. They're my new favorite band. I want to be at that show. |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by Pryde on Oct 12th, 2006, 11:26am Definitely get your tickets ASAP for this one - I'm sure it is going to sellout quickly!!! Angelsfall, I was thinking about you the other day. �I went to a concert and the radio station was giving away a ton of promo cds and I got Jack's Mannequin. ;) �And I still crack up thinking about your Dad taking out the turnstill in Centennial Park. �What a cool Dad!!! �;D � |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by AnGeLsFaLL on Oct 12th, 2006, 3:51pm LMAO Pryde..I can't believe you still remember that..what was that like 3 years ago? Geesh..but yeah, he's a pretty cool Dad..I actually just moved out-college..bleh..haha jk..I miss my parents though! I'll still have to run it past him to make sure I can drive with my roomate up to ATL for this one..I think he'll be ok with it though.. Haha that's cool about the Jack's Mannequin thing..Yeah..I really love them!-Goin' to VooDoo Fest at the end of the month in New Orleans to see them..Very neat about the promo cd thing haha..Glad you thought of me when you got it! lol |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by catzi1966 on Oct 12th, 2006, 7:31pm Ya' know.......... if anything makes me wish I could "orb", it would be THIS!!! How lucky are the people who can go and see the Fray, Hinder, AND the Goos?!!! :claps: |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by The Purple O on Oct 12th, 2006, 8:16pm That sounds like a great show! I wish I could go! |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by Pryde on Oct 13th, 2006, 9:24am Got my tickets a few minutes ago!!! ;D ;D ;D I bought some up in 118 and then some floor seats became available. RATS. But I'll be there. ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by AnGeLsFaLL on Oct 13th, 2006, 2:20pm Eeek! I got 2 floor seats! Section F4, row H..I'm so excited!..this show is like..AMAZING..I LOVE the fray and KT!..and idk much by Hinder, but what I've heard, I love! Ahh! I'm so excited! ya'll this is gunna be a blast! And my 7th Goo show! woo hoo! haha |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by Shannon on Oct 13th, 2006, 6:23pm I saw Hinder this summer with Nickelback and they were great. I would LOVE to be able to see this show. I have the Fray's CD and it's absolutely awesome. This would be such a great show to see. I can't wait to hear about it from all you lucky peeps who get to go. |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by Pryde on Nov 7th, 2006, 6:09pm AngelsFall, I think I'm sitting a couple rows behind you now. After I go tickets in 118 later that day I was talking to a friend that asked me to get them tickets too. So they're getting the 118 and I'll be on the floor. ;D |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by AnGeLsFaLL on Nov 8th, 2006, 11:26pm Haha I'll definitely be seein' ya there! I'm so excited! This is my first Goo show since The Loft back in April. And it's going to be great! With the Fray! woo~! haha |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by Pryde on Dec 7th, 2006, 7:42pm Who's ready for Saturday night!!! MEEE!!!! ;) |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by AnGeLsFaLL on Dec 7th, 2006, 11:22pm Me! I just had the worst day of my life though...I'm so stressed that I can hardly even be excited... Let me vent...This is my first semester in college..and I accidently screwed up the times for one of my exams..So I pretty much missed it..and my professor won't let me re-take it...which means I get a 0...which means I lose about 80,000 dollars in scholarship money...yeah..it kind of sucks....I've been crying about it all day..and I had to tell my parents..and they're mad about it..but I guess it's over..and there's nothing I can do about it...so I should just be excited for Saturday? |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by Pryde on Dec 8th, 2006, 6:17pm I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you, Angels Fall. :'( That's too bad. Your professor wouldn't even let you take the exam with another section of the same class? Or could you take an incomplete and maybe take the exam the following semester or in summer school? Well I hope to see you Saturday night. I still look the same - I won't be wearing the Gutterflower hat though. :D |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by The Purple O on Dec 8th, 2006, 8:33pm Have an awesome time tomorrow night. Sounds like a great show with some great musicians. |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by AnGeLsFaLL on Dec 8th, 2006, 11:23pm Yeah..I definitely need a good weekend..I was so upset yesterday I couldn't even be happy about the fact that my 8th GGD show was this weekend..but..I've moved on, and I realize that there's nothing I can do about it now..lol..so I'm back to being extremely excited..GGD's and The Fray..2 of my fav bands..it's going to be AMAZING... Definitely come say 'Hey' if you see me Pryde! lol..I think I look the same..but it's been like 2 years or somethin' since I've seen you! lol..but here's my most recent picture..I think I'll be in my Black GGD's LLI shirt..dunno yet..See ya there! http://myspace-760.vo.llnwd.net/01281/06/71/1281251760_l.jpg Sry so big! I can't resize it! lol |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by AnGeLsFaLL on Dec 9th, 2006, 7:11am Ok..I'm officially freaking...Its 7:15...8:15 atlanta time...and my roomate and I are supposed to leave at 7:30...but she went out last night and didn't come home...that's not unusual so I'm not really worried about her whereabouts..I'm worried about the FREAKIN' fact that she ISN'T HERE! I'm GOING to KILL her if she doesn't come home within 15 minutes...GRRRRR..I'm SOO pissed off right now... |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by Pryde on Dec 9th, 2006, 8:46am Hope your roommate gets there soon!!! I'm waiting to see the Goos on the CBS morning show and then we're hitting the road for the ATL. We were hoping to get some shopping done at Discovery Mills before the show, but I'm sure that place will be PACKED. :D I'm not sure what I'm wearing tonight - either a black velvet blazer, a dark burgundy blazer or maybe a jeans jacket. I'll with my best friend that does promotions for a local venue - she wears cat glasses with bling on them - she's easy to spot. :D Have a safe trip to the ATL!!! |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by Pryde on Dec 10th, 2006, 7:58pm Hi Y'all! Got back from Atlanta this afternoon. The Jingle Jam :snow: show was incredible!!! �;D ;D ;D �That's my first show at the Arena at Gwinnett Center and it was a very nice facility. � :thumbsup: KT Tunstall played first for about 20 minutes. �I'm not very familiar with her work - but she played Dark Horse and the Cherry Tree, Suddenly I See, Other Side of the World, and a couple of other songs. �At one point some of her band members appeared to be playing kazoos and the keyboard player was using a garbage can top as a percussion instrument. �:D Then Hinder came on and rocked out!!! �I've never seen them before but they put out a lot of energy during their show. �They sang most of the songs of their cd including Bliss, Room 21, Lips of An Angel, Homecoming Queen, and Get Stoned. � :rockin: �(Note to all you Hinder fans in the ATL - Star 94 said they would be brining Hinder back in the new year for a headlining show.) Then it was time for the Fray. �They played most of the songs off their How To Save a Life cd including She Is, Fall Away, a "new" song called Absolute, All At Once, Look After You, Over My Head, and How To Save a Life. �It was pretty incredible to hear 14,000 people singing along with Over My Head. �And the Fray ended their set with How To Save a Life and the band/piano player faded out on the last verse and you could hear EVERYONE in the arena finish the last chorus. My only criticisim of the show was that during The Fray set - the lighting was really low on the rest of the band. �Most times there was only spotlight on the piano player until a dramatic increase in lighting during Over My Head. � It would have been nice to see some of the other guys in the band too. Then the Goo Goo Dolls!!!! Sorry I don't have the exact order (and I may be missing a few songs), but they played: Stay with You; Slide; Let Love In; Name; Feel the Silence; Naked :claps:; Smash/Tucked Away :thumbsup:; Black Balloon; January Friend; Iris; We'll Be Here; Broadway; Sympathy; Give A Little Bit; and Better Days. I had a friend with me that had never seen the Goos live before, and I think she was pretty impressed with the show. �And I haven't been able to catch a Goo show since they played On The Bricks in Atlanta a couple of years ago - so I was really happy with it too!!! �:woohoo: � And it was really good to see a wide range of ages of people singing along with the Goos. �After Name Johnny thanked the crowd for remembering that song. �The Goos seemed very happy with the reception they got from the crowd. �Hopefully they'll come back to play in Atlanta soon!!! �And I'll put in a shameless request for a show in SC next time they swing through the Southeast too. �;) � � � � |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by the purple o on Dec 10th, 2006, 8:03pm Sounds like an amazing show!! I didn't realize it was such big show. I would have loved to have gone to it. I'm a fan of most of those artists. |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by AnGeLsFaLL on Dec 10th, 2006, 9:20pm What a GREAT show! Pryde's right with the set list..as far as I can tell..'cept they did play 'Become'!..lol..John broke his guitar during Iris and had the audience sing almost the entire last chorus..he said that little event went on his official "fucking amazing" list..lol..Um..let's see..Oh yeah, he got the words to sympathy right..and (ya'll know how the band's been betting on whether or not he'd mess up)..he told Robby to "Pay up Bitch!"..lol..and that was entertaining..um..geesh..my mind's a blur. I can't really think..driving 14 hours in 2 days is no fun..lol..It was good to see all ya'll Goo fans! Was it me though, or did it seem like hardly anybody actually knew ALL the goo songs? Haha..I'm just used to everyone around me being obsessed..I guess that's what you get at a radio show though...My roomate and I had pretty good seats..idk if my pictures will show up well or not though..The people in front of us were trashed and making fun of John flailing his arms around during Feel The Silence..that was kind of annoying..and then these other pre-teen girls were making fun of any goo-fans that were jumping around getting into the music (that didn't stop me from flailing my arms around like a crazy person..lol)..This was 8th goo show..but my first show since back in April at the Loft right b4 the release of LLI..that show was great because the venue was TINY (only 200 tickets! lol), but the new songs have improved so much! Ah..I'm sad it's all over, but this was one of the best shows I've been to..My roomate had fun, of course she didn't like Robby's voice (for some reason nobody I ever bring to Goo shows does!)..ugh..Whatever..She still had a great time..Hopefully John keeps his promise to come back to ATL soon!..It's definitely worth the 6+ hour drive! lol...GOOd to see ya'll again! -I'll post my pictures once they're uploaded..prolly tomorrow..even if they're crappy..lol |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder Tix10/14 Post by Pryde on Dec 11th, 2006, 5:10pm We had some folks behind us that weren't happy that we were standing for Hinder, the Fray, and the Goos!!! But too bad!!! �It's a rock concert and you're on the floor - what else are you supposed to do? �;) Anyway, here's a link to some photos from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution: http://lpe.ajc.com/gallery/view/holidayguide/1206/jinglejam The guy taking them also took the ones of Mark Broussard/Pat McGee/GooGoo Dolls at On The Bricks in Centennial Park a couple of years ago. �He also goes on the Rock Boat with us. �8) |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder + Pix Post by the purple o on Dec 11th, 2006, 5:20pm Those are great pictures! Thanks for the link! I'm happy to see John finally ditched the sunglasses! |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder + Pix Post by iris3732 on Dec 13th, 2006, 8:18am Those are great reviews!! I wish I could have gone....but I don't know, I am not a Hinder fan, the Fray and KT are just ok. I'm greedy; I just want my Goo! I think I'm gonna drive to Chattanooga and see that show in February. I'm so excited!! :) |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder + Pix Post by Pryde on Dec 13th, 2006, 7:07pm Iris, Since you're in the Atlanta area - you might want to sign up on the Arena at Gwinnett's webpage mailing list if you're not already on it. I signed up and they send me presale passwords for a lot of shows. ;) |
Title: Re: ATL JingleJam 12/9 Goo Fray Hinder + Pix Post by Pryde on Dec 15th, 2006, 4:31pm I received a Ticketmaster email today announcing the next Hinder show in Atlanta: Hinder The Tabernacle Atlanta, GA Sun, 02/18/07 On Sale Sat, 12/16/06 I bet those tickets will go quickly!!! |
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