Hi, my name is Stephen Reysen, I am a graduate
student researcher at California State
University, Fresno. I am exploring fans of
different topics (ex. bands, sports, etc.). It
would be extremely helpful if you could give me a
bit of your time to answer the questions below. I
view this study as a collaborative project
between informants such as yourself and myself.
Therefore, if you would like a full explanation
of the study or like to read or comment on
pre-publication papers, feel free to ask. Your
identity will be fully protected, unless you wish
to be named in the research, otherwise any
comments you give will be anonymous.
Please read and indicate your understanding and
agreement with the following, if you agree: you
understand that you are voluntarily participating
in a research project, and that you may
discontinue your participation at any time
without penalty. Your information will be kept
separately from your identity to protect
Please answer each question honestly. If possible
please give examples. Remember your answers are
1. I understand my reply will be anonymous, and I
agree to participate in this study. Yes, No?
2. How did you hear about, or come to be involved
with your interest?
3. Are you part of a fan club, and if so how is
the club structured (ex. One person posts news
information, or everyone posts messages with a
mediator presiding)?
4. Where do you get your information about your
5. How do you explain your interests to others?
6. How do you think others view you interest?
7. How do you deal with someone who disagrees with
your interest?
8. Do you feel less alone when you are around
others who also share your interests (do you feel
isolated when you are not around them)?
9. Would you say you are a bigger fan than someone
else? How are you different and how did you
10. On a scale of 1-10, how big of a fan would you
consider yourself to be (10= biggest fan, 1= not
really a fan)?
11. How long have you considered yourself a fan?
12. Do you have a strong interest in any other
areas (ex. Bands, sports teams, TV shows)?
13. What is your age and sex?
14. (optional additional questions) Could you
give an example(s) of a time you went to an
extreme to do your interest? How much time, money
would you give up for your interest?
If you are aware of any other big fans please pass
this survey along. Thank you, Stephen Reysen